

We host a number of artist residencies to give exceptional artists access to space, facilities and resources for free. As part of our long-standing relationship with Liverpool School of Art and Design, we provide new graduates with a residency space at our studios for a 6 month period. In that time, they have access to our facilities and we work with them to help support their development through events. We also host Space Raiders — offering our gallery space to artists for free when we are in between our public-facing programme.


As part of our long-standing relationship with LJMU, we provide new graduates with a residency space at our studios for a 6 month period. In that time, they have access to our facilities and we work with them to help support their development through events.

Find out more here.


When we have gaps in our programme, rather than leaving our gallery space empty, we open the space up to artists in the city to experiment with, test out creating larger work at scale, or exhibit existing work in.

More about Space Raiders here.