Cos Ahmet
Cos Ahmet’s practice is preoccupied with the body enacting sculptural gestures. His recent works enquire into these body-material interventions, articulated through sculpture, installation, performance, the moving image and collaboration.
Cos has collaborated with various artists to bring some of his works to realisation. These partnerships often cast fresh eyes on the way he thinks through making, and how his practice can function on numerous levels.
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Cos recommends recommend ‘I Like My Job Five’, 2020 by the Austrian collective Gelitin.
This work plays to his own sensibilities of using the body as part of the ‘work’, along with the various materials they employ, but also the collaborative nature of their work, which brings with it layers of dialogue that interact with each other.
‘I Like My Job Five’ is about labour, play and production, depicting Gelitin ‘doing their job’, being at work. The group perform their practice on the fragile territory of humour, spontaneity, child-like naiveté, and blatant sexuality. Refusing to be a documentary, this video is their first work produced specifically for online audiences.
Contains nudity!