Dan Waine & Mali Draper
We gave Dan Waine and Mali Draper space to develop and make some new work, involving building, testing and practicing aspects of current ideas. They proposed to use TRS gallery to experiment then document the work as ‘prototypes’ for future exhibition/opportunity proposals: e.g. The jars mimic what they would like to be a custom-built pool.
Merging sound with a written dialogue piece combines both artists practices of writing and sound design. Telling the story in fragmented parts to resemble different moments in time. This fractured style of writing mirrors the sounds, exploring the multiple explanations of events and narratives over atmospheric soundscapes.
Both artists work with a mixture of sounds; recorded or found sounds, processed or digitally created with coding software and other sound programmes. Combing both of their approaches to sound, mixing up and recycling various noises and sounds for this project. During the residency it gave the artists a chance to see how their work would sit in a physical space allowing both elements of the project to interact for the first time and realising how they can move their work forwards.
View their work here.